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March 28, 2004

The Woodpecker Manifests


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I ask you, did I not say that I had visualized a woodpecker in that knot of eminence (a Tui Na term used by my practioner-- I have no idea what it means) right behind my right scapula.

Since Friday was our first truly beautiful day here in the frozen North, we took our lunches to the cemetery , which is also a famous horticultural sanctuary, to picnic. Just as we finished the cemetery ranger patrol pulled up with a beautifully printed list of rules, which included no food, drink or sunbathing, all three of which we were actively pursuing. No photographing of funerals, posed professional shots, or films either. I figured I slid easily under the wire on that one.

We obediently vacuumed up our crumbs and walked instead. One in our midst, a birder from boyhood, pointed out this woodpecker to us. No use trying not to think about woodpeckers.

Posted by Dakota at March 28, 2004 09:18 AM