October 07, 2009

Fair Warning


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As the regular reader might have noticed all of us here at Dakota have left you to wander alone on the vastness of the internet for quite some time, but we would be shirking our responsibility to certain readers if we didn't warn " those of you who are not used to being pushed around and .....find... yourselves in unfamiliar territory" that amnesty for tax dodgers who tucked their bonuses in Zurich came to an end September 23. UBS, the Swiss bank that actively lured some of you abroad, was supposed to have revealed your name to the IRS already. However, you may still have a small window through which to turn yourself in without going to jail.... just going broke.

Remember, before you do something stupid like this again, be sure to buy yourself a congressman first

Photo note: A little window, like we said - in a cute neighborhood with a vinyl storm

Posted by Dakota at October 7, 2009 10:43 AM