As the stock market tanked once again, all of us here at Dakota are soothing ourselves with shopping sprees, other people's, that is.
You may have heard that small town gal, Sarah Pee beefed (or is it moosed) up her wardrobe over the last coupla months to the tune of $150,000. She didn't really spend a penny, since she charged it all to the Republican National Committee. The RNC had to report it, and it was picked up by the press Things just aren't done that way in Alaska. Sarah says she plans to donate all her new clothes to charity after the election. After all, a girl can't wear Dior eviscerating wild animals, or even to a church where exorcisms get messy -- but, as an anchor on Fox News.....
You might ask yourself just when does a busy person like Mrs. Pee have time to spend this kind of cash sprucing up the family? Seems that she had a little help from robocall operative/personal shopper, Jeff Larson who has quite an eye for a straight guy - and you know he's gotta be straight to hang with the Pees. Mrs. Pee also had a $13, 000 makeup consultation which evidently included vats of blush --necessary due to the lack of tanning beds on the Campaign Trail. And speaking of moosed up, Sarah's crowning glory has been modified too. No bill for that yet. Maybe the Beehive Salon in Wasilla did it pro bono.
Alhough there's very little comparison between Obama and Palin, the Obamas are not above discussing fashion. Michele wore a $34 sundress from GAP for that interview, and hit The View this summer in a now famous $148 black and white number. She's not always so moderate, as can be seen on the website her fashion preferences. Nonetheless, it has been said that Michele Obama is the new face of fashion democracy. Not like our gal Sarah who is about to join Cindy McCain as a member of the fashion aristocracy--- and the Tiffany's bill hasn't even arrived.
Photo note: Christian fashionista with a cross to bear - statue at Mt Auburn Cemetery looking quite like you know who from behind
Addendum:McCain "She needed clothes." She was just shoppin' where Cindy shops, after all.
Posted by Dakota at October 22, 2008 02:43 PM