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We are all quite ennured to having an uninformed idiot for our president, one of those men who got by on his good looks alone, a "C" student tolerated by fine schools as a favor to his father, an man with serious brain dysfunction - do we need yet another?.
It is becoming clear that McCain's understanding of the most rudimentary aspects of the troubled parts of the world has proven sketchy. After graduating 894th in his Anapolis class of 899, we can probably conclude that studying hard is not his strong suit. He's a sloppy scholar who flies by the seat of his pants, as evidenced by crashing 5 Air Force planes before taking up his new vocation. He recently flunked his own "Commander in Chief Test.
Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad having an uninformed, out of touch idiot for President, but having one of those leaves room for unknown forces of darkness to step in to fill the void. The intentions of said void fillers, as we see in this administration, are often questionable if not criminal. At least we can impeach an idiot president, what the hell do we do with McCain's invisible Addington, that is if we can figure out which villian has his hand in the puppet that we're electing before his term is up.
Photo note: A dumb cluck found serendipidously in the archives.
Posted by Dakota at July 30, 2008 06:27 PM