Nancy Pelosi's ongoing, vehement resistance to presidential impeachment seems to have issued every criminal in this administration a challenge to see just how far he or she can go without getting his or her testicles tied off. So far so good.
What. pray tell, is the rationale for Nancy's policy? She has failed to elucidate it in any way. Maybe she's being blackmailed by the neocons. Perhaps her phone (like that of every Democrat in this nation) has been tapped, revealing that she is being screwed by a someone other than the Bush Administration, and she doesn't want the scandal to erupt lest she disappoint her grandchildren.
In spite of imperial orders, Dennis Kuchinich is doing his very best to initiate an impeachment hearing, and as Gore Vidal our most articulate senior patriot, notes, it hasn't even been covered in the press..
Our hero, Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post, has written a disturbing series for Neiman Watchdog's "Ask This" - a suggestion box manned by Neiman Fellows, stuffed full of questions the American press should be investigating right now.
Part 1: Do we really expect the Bushies to go quietly?
Part 2: Midnight rule making, last minute hires and executive fiats
Part 3: The time for a national conversation on pardons is before they're granted, not after
Part 4: What's the Vice President up to these days?
Part 5: How far will Bush loyalists go to help McCain win
So you can see that the creeps probably have many more subversive tricks up their sleeves. Let's do the dirty deed now before they have a chance to implement them.
Photo note: The metaphorophoto: A distorted structure built on the flimsy premise of patriotism ----or ---bunting reflected on the hood of an SUV at the marina
Posted by Dakota at June 17, 2008 06:03 PM | TrackBack