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April 23, 2008

Believe It Or Not, It's Still Passover


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Devoted readers of this blog, and you know who you are, may be distressed to think that they have missed the annual Passover entry this year - (actually, there doesn't seem to be one for 2007, though we did celebrate). Have heart, here it is!

There were twenty two of us creating a ritual of freedom this year. Once again, the table was at maximum seating capacity. The first night of Passover fell on a Saturday, so we were not even forced to move the occasion to a more convenient date, as is our usual tendency. Since Passover is celebrated by the more orthodox for eight days, until April 27, even this entry is right on time.

It was, as always, a religiously rollicking event, culminating somewhat after midnight with an unfortunate dishwasher breakdown. Since all the plates were paper, (most Kosher, most convenient) this was not the tragedy it might have been. (Rest assured, all plastic was recycled)

The next morning, we polished off the leftover matzo ball soup, screwed the tops back on the elderberry Manishevitz for next year, made egg salad from the uneaten hard boiled eggs on the Seder Plate, stopped eating homemade horseradish directly from the jar so that we'd have some left to serve with raw oysters this summer, and solved the annual problem of what to do with the many leftover boxes of matzo

Photo note: The table sans celebrants

Posted by Dakota at April 23, 2008 12:31 PM