They are marching to their new, inconveniently located voting place to protest Texas redistricting which was implemented by Tom Delay, an indicted, not yet tried criminal Republican. Delay was responsible for the gerrymandering of Texas, which still stands in spite of his disgrace.
Do you hear them fall into the O-ba-ma chant? Here's Hillary on that subject.
Dreaming about the candidates yourself? Post your dream for all of us to read.
Oh, and the dark part ---Bush once again arrogantly bypassed the rule of law and will continue to wiretap your phone while he prepares for war in outer space.
Speaking of bringing light into darkness Alex Gibney won an Oscar last night.
Photo note: View from the Costco parking lot, the only conveniently located vista for shooting this sort of thing
Posted by Dakota at February 25, 2008 03:28 PM