February 20, 2008

Moral Compass


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As below, so above.

One of the simple ideas of systems theory as it applies to interpersonal relationships is that underlings frequently mirror the heirarchy. For example, if the children in a nursery school are exhibiting aggressive behaviors toward one another, a careful examination of the leadership of the organization will often reveal similar patterns of behavior, you know, like the guards in Abu Ghraib and their superiors who were never outed.

Yesterday's headlines support this point."Torture Video Sparks Massive Beef Recall". The video was Agribusiness' Abu Ghraib. It showed sick cows, abused, slaughtered sadistically and added to our food supply, utlimately producing contaminated food products which were sold to our schools. This kind of abuse is not really news. Animals owned by agribusiness are notoriously mistreated, as are employees but, once again, a picture is worth a thousand words

The despicable example set by our current leadership - lying, torture, sadistic practices, stealing, retaliation, cheating, exploiting the poor for the benefit of the rich, punishing those who speak out, etc., has set a precedent for general bad behavior throughout our society.

The Bush administraton has exploited the helpless and poor in our armies, our schools, our taxcodes and our benefit structures. Are we then surprised that those in corporate power do the same, resulting in catastrophes like the sub prime mortgage crisis and the botched reconstruction of New Orleans? Are we surprised that Cheney's war profiteering through Halliburton has set an example for CEOs everywhere to loot their companies, screw their employees, and leave with massive exit bonuses? We shouldn't be.

All the more reason to elect a president who has a moral compass. It will set a good example.

Photo note: I was aiming to shoot a moral compass yesterday and almost settled for the hub cap of a Landrover, but found this mysterious little painting in the bathroom at my shaman's office, and thought it would do nicely -- I wonder what it is?

Notice the moon on the top - moons are prevalent this week, tonight is a full lunar eclipse.

Posted by Dakota at February 20, 2008 07:00 PM