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Here's a little something worth noting, a piece of info that will knock your socks off --- 84% of sunscreen products are harmful to your health.
"Skin Deep" the Environmental Working Group's Cosmetic Safety Database has a complete report on the hazards as well as a sunscreen summary
After 29 years of debate, the government has failed to set mandatory sunscreen safety standards. Companies are free to make their own decisions on everything from advertising claims to product quality. In lieu of setting final standards, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises people to stay out of the sun from 10 am to 4 pm. FDA now stands in direct violation a Congressional mandate requiring the agency to finalize sunscreen safety standards by May 2006, flouting not only Congress but also consumers, who are reliant on sunscreen to protect their health.
Do we smell the sulfurous fumes of the corporatocracy rising from this black hole of disinformation?
We shall say no more in hopes that you will read the report in full. If you can't, please note that there are only ten low hazard, highly effective products on the list and four of them are variations of California Baby SPF 30+ which just happens to be on sale. Order some before the line gets too long.
Mike Adams of TargetNews recommends taking Vitamin D as an internal sunscreen, and it looks like a good idea .
Photo note: A synchronous shot of an NStar truck taken today. Liked the way the light is reflected on the ladder. Metaphorophotographically speaking, it's not bad. NStar, by the way, is some kind of utility company, professionally named to confuse the consumer and cover more turf than Mass Electric or Bell Telephone
Posted by Dakota at July 19, 2007 07:55 PM