July 17, 2007


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As you can see, I have been playing with a dismantled 3-D Mirascope purchased for a septuagenarian birthday celebration. The intent of the Mirascope is to produce a mirage of an item that has been dropped into its bottom, so
said item floats mysteriously above the mechanism. This phenomenon is nearly impossible to capture photographically, even when poked by a birthday candle. I eventually gave up and shot the mirrored parabolas individually, for a set of about 1200 pictures of the same thing, as is my wont.

An observant relative noted in passing that this particular photo is the kabbalistic version of the series.

While we're on the subject of mysticism, in the past week I received several notices from friends more familiar with the woowoo than I, that the grid would be fired yesterday. I did my best to participate, though worldly demands pressed after fifteen minutes of intentional meditation. I am sorry that I was not organized enough to alert all of you beforehand, but it's probably not too late to give it the old college try. I hope an organized effort like this can turn things around while we still have the chance. Think of the miracle of the midterm election.

Photo note: the bottom of the parabola shot on the hexagram of a Chinese checkerboard. Note the light from the window and the closest thing to a self portrait that you'll ever find on this blog

Posted by Dakota at July 17, 2007 06:33 PM | TrackBack