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A woman once told me that she felt that having a big wedding was like buying a BMW, cruising around in it for a week and then driving it off a cliff. I would agree. Even so, I am still an ardent devotee of the New York Times Wedding Section, although I gave up writing about it long ago.
I've made an exception for a little feature that caught my eye this week which I couldn't resist sharing Trashing one's wedding dress seems to be a new photographic phenomenon that has taken hold. An iconoclastic act in which brides are photographed doing things in and to their gowns that will make their father's wallet curl. Sacrificing for art is all well and good, but somehow rolling your wedding gown in the mud seems even more wasteful than hanging it in the closet.
How about listing it on Freecycle? Or an even more sustainable solution would be the paper wedding dress. One would really have to avoid spills during the reception.
Photo note: Doesn't this look like a rumpled satin, tulle? It's really some piece of equipment for wood stoves reflected on a window shade.
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Posted by Dakota at June 14, 2007 04:53 PM