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Inspired by 9/11, a National Food Security Plan was developed in 2001. It should come as no surprise, given the condition of other major projects in this administration (take the reconstruction of New Orleans), that the Plan is stalled
"The bottom line is that the United States is being overwhelmed with food imports, and they are not being screened by the FDA," said William Hubbard, a former FDA associate commissioner for policy and planning."A lot of time and effort went into it, and the best minds of the agency were brought in," he said of the import protection plan. "It wasn't approved or disapproved. It was basically, 'We can't do this because we have no money. This is all good stuff, and it should be done, but we don't have money.' "
There is, however, a new urgency. The chemicals implicated in the pet deaths, identified as melamine and cyanuric acid, were found in protein ingredients used in human foods, ranging from bread to veggie burgers. One of the most common of these ingredients is wheat gluten.
After "retiring " from the FDA, William Hubbard went on to form The Coalition for a Stronger FDA, since he is clearly displeased by the agency's poor performance. No doubt the FDA, like most federal agencies these days, has been depleted and drained by fat cat neoconservative appointees who know nothing about the agencies they head, and care even less about their purposes.
Congressional critics say that the FDA is unable to protect the USfood supply
"This administration does not like regulation, this administration does not like spending money, and it has a hostility toward government. The poisonous result is that a program like the FDA is going to suffer at every turn of the road," said U.S. Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Michigan), chairman of the full House committee. Dingell is considering introducing legislation to boost the agency's accountability, regulatory authority and budget.
It is some comfort that, Revere, everybody's favorite epidemiologist over at Effect Measure doesn't think that these particular contaminants are all that harmful.... so far.
For perspective, take a peek at the chilling list of adulterated foods that can be found in China, compiled by an observant American blogger in Beijing. Some of this is undoubtedly coming your way. The list does not include diethylene glycol, a cheap glycerin substitute with a formula close to that of antifreeze, that's contaminating medicine. Put a little hair on your chop suey, didn't it?
Let us not judge China too harshly. Consider our own sinister part in poisoning food for bigger profits. Russia finds American chickens unsafe to eat and Korea doesn't appreciate American beef.
What do neoconservatives care about contaminated food anyway. They can afford to buy organic, and poisoning the poor is yet another way to thin out the democratic vote-- but not soon enough for 2008.
Why just yesterday, In the name of protecting Americans,Congress killed a bid to allow us to buy our medications abroad (Canada, Austraila, New Zealand, Europe) for a fraction of the price we currently pay.. The Commander had threatened to veto it anyway. The administration has made their priorities clear-- protect the profits of agribusiness and big pharmaceutical companies, rather than people
Photo note: A snack vendor in Lijaing, China, pedaling in heavy traffic, displaying his sticky wares without the benefit of saran wrap.
Posted by Dakota at May 8, 2007 06:26 PM