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An intimate group seated upon the optimist rug in the Offal Office.
Condi, addressing the Pres, but glancing at Karl: Even though you and I don't use email because the written word is not your greatest strength, and I prefer embossed stationary for my correspondence, it looks like some of us who have not been fastidious might begin to worry should they scour the RNC's hard drives.
W, mildly displeased: Whaddya mean? Fredo did a great job punting and he didn't even havta lie-- the Democratics bought it hook line and sinker.
Turd Blossom squirming: Just in case, how are we gonna flip it guys?
The Dick aka Big Time: Let's see, Arlen had a lot of success blustering, but Ashcroft's Plame investigation did the trick. I say we do our own investigation of ourselves and find ourselves innocent.
Rove to Gonzales: We should ease up on the Department of Justice for awhile. Who's in place, Fredo?
Gonzales: How about your evil twin, Scott Bloch, over at the Office of Special Counsel, Turdie? He did a great job on gays for us, Let's get him right on this.
W: I gotta go take care of the old lady She's havin' a hard day.
Photo note: Another contortionist spinning, taken on location Lijaing, China
Addendum" Translating Cheney - most amusing
Posted by Dakota at April 25, 2007 06:50 AM