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January 25, 2007

Speaking the Truth - It's Quite Shocking


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Yesterday Republican Senator Chuck Hagel addressed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting on the resolution against the president's troop increase in Iraq. It's quite astonishing to hear a politician speak the truth. Please watch the movie, or, for fans of the written word:

But I will not sit here in this Congress of the United States at this important time for our country and in the world and not have something to say about this. And maybe I'll be wrong. And maybe I have no political future. I don't care about that.

But I don't ever want to look back and have the regret that I didn't have the courage and I didn't do what I could to at least project something.

This resolution, by the way, does not tie the hands of the president of the United States. It does not tie the hands of the president of the United States in any way.....

These young men and women that we put in Anbar province, in Iraq, in Baghdad are not beans. They're real lives. And we better be damn sure we know what we're doing, all of us, before we put 22,000 more Americans into that grinder. We better be as sure as you can be.

Evidently speaking the truth can ruin a person's political future. Tragic. Tragic in so many ways --22,000 at the very least.

Photo note: Graves of dead people

Posted by Dakota at January 25, 2007 07:33 PM