December 21, 2006


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In honor of the upcoming holiday weekend and the glut of caloric offerings to which we will all be exposed, we have Daniela Edburg's photo essay, Drop Dead Gorgeous. Click on Whistler's Mother (those black round things heaped on the floor around the rocking chair are Oreos) for more shots, then scroll down to read an interview with the artist.

Of course, not all festive occasions have to involve food. Really? Right. It looks like we have a tipping point to celebrate . The yammering "progressives" are no longer alone making those peachy noises. We could dance.

Photo note: These lettuces are each the size a dinner plate and were grown by the same farmer/artist who produced the romanesco cauliflower. It is a reminder to me to confine my gluttony to leafy greens this weekend. Fat chance.

Posted by Dakota at December 21, 2006 10:26 PM | TrackBack