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November 27, 2006

Let's Just Say No


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Can you sniff impeachment in the air?

Linda Milazzo at Smirking Chimp thinks that admonitions against it are simply another neoconservative ploy. She writes:

If America and Americans are to be resurrected in the eyes of the world, proper investigation of the Bush administration is a Democratic mandate. If, as I believe, incontrovertible evidence of Bush and Cheney's high crimes and misdemeanors is uncovered, impeachment proceedings should go forth. Already, prior to any Congressional investigations taking place, volumes have been written delineating the impeachable crimes of Bush and Cheney. High level symposiums have been held. Dozens of Constitutional scholars have spoken, all convinced of their guilt....

But impeaching George W. Bush will be constructive for America and Americans. It will be educational. Americans will watch the proceedings and learn about the Constitution. They'll receive a long overdo lesson on the Constitutional responsibilities of their President, the balance of powers, and gain a clearer understanding of their own rights and freedoms. Americans will acquire an insight into proper governance to make them better stewards of their democracy.

America, the nation, will regain some of the moral authority diminished by Bush and Cheney. The rest of the world will know that America can distinguish between insignificant and substantial. Clinton was impeached for matters insignificant to his leadership of the nation. Bush will be impeached for matters so substantial that they caused the deaths of thousands and endangered the whole world.

Excellent points all.

Eternal Hope at Dailly Kos has provided us with specific Articles of Impeachment, and believes Cheney should be included in the process. I think we could all agree that he has been an active participant, nay, an equal evil doer in making the mess in which we find ourselves. In addition, Cheney has profited handsomely from this war, unlike the President, who has just handed his part of the war profits over to his dad for safekeeping. Impeaching W. without his Vice President, would simply allow neoconservative principles to proliferate like maggots on a corpse.

If Nancy P., in the spirit of bipartisanship, is reluctant to initiate impeachment personally, our fine Constitution offers alternatives. State legislatures can begin the process, or we can just do-it-ourselves, and even get some of those wickedly ominous "V" folk to serve the papers.

Really, the internet is just full of excellent resources

Photo note: One of those ubiquitous internal messages that the gas company writes to themselves all over the place.

Posted by Dakota at November 27, 2006 08:46 AM