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September 23, 2006

Busy Bee


up close with a better look at the shadow

Since it's a lazy Saturday morning, during which it might rain, and I know that you have plenty of leisure time to loll around in your jammies and watch movies on your computer, I have taken it upon myself to provide some.

For a little somethng lighthearted, let us us begin with the Pool Domino Finals, which will stimulate a part of your brain that is generally hard to reach if you don't play pool dominos.

You are free to stop here if you are incurious, have high blood pressure, or wish to maintain a blissful state of well being and thus help the world vibrationally by aligning with your higher self. If none of the above conditons apply, please proceed.

Next we have the trailers from "Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers" which can be found on the left hand side of the website (they should be viewed individually), as well as a a tour through a FEMA detention camp that has recently been renovated -- an excellent, if blatant, example of the architecture of control.

Or you could watch the UN in action or go where everyone else is going with Swarm. Then maybe the sun will come out.

Photo note: More swarm than anything else. Love that shadow.

Posted by Dakota at September 23, 2006 07:22 AM