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And so Porter Goss is gone, "not even citing 'personal reasons' for his abrupt, but rather jolly, (if you view the videos with Buddy Bush) departure. Most peculiar. Particularly, as Media Matters points out, because there is a big sex scandal percolating. This looks even worse than oral sex with Monica, since the indiscretions involve prostitution perks given to politicians as a reward for government contracts. Kind of a screw-the-entire-nation story.
In the olden days, why, something like that would be all over the front page. Alas, no more. Looks like we shall have to wait for the democrats to take back the White House before we can thrill to the details of sexploits. In the meantime we must satisfy our thirst for scandal with Patrick Kennedy.
I knew very little about Mr. Goss's history before he was called in to dismantle the CIA. He has done so with the same hearty enthusiasm that his boss has applied to democracy. It's enough to curl your eyelashes.
Photo notes: My lovely landperson always plants something to delight the spirit outside my office door. This year's white tulip crop has lasted for weeks, due to the cool weather. This photo series, like the Porter Goss resignation,
shows differing views from outside to deeper into the core. Tulips are currently the official flower of journalism, soon to be changed to the forget-me-not.
Speaking of patriotism, I couldn't resist.
Posted by Dakota at May 6, 2006 10:42 PM