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April 06, 2006

Yawheh makes a matrix


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Cynical Self: Lordy Dakota, this matrix thing is getting a l.. i.. T..T.. l.. e boring.

Big Baby: But look, look, they're everywhere, even in nature.

Cynical Self: Uh huh. (Oh God, I fear that we are going to have another DaVinci Code nightmare about Matrices).

Earnest Artist: Really, I have something to say.

Cynical Self: Oh, so you're awake? (Now we're really in for it)

Earnest Artist: I heard a snippet on NPR this morning about the daggeurotype, and, from that, the phrase " the end of chemical photography" emerged. I think those who enjoy ritual -- the slow, aquatic appearance of an image, in a bucket, will still do it. I, personally, could never have been a chemical photographer with my miniscule attention span, my allergies, my butterfingerness and my primitive need for immediate feedback. (A true visionary I know says that she doesn't expect her work to be understood until long after she's dead -- Now that just wouldn't be enough to keep me going. [Have you noticed that I have stopped harping about the lack of comments, and simply continue on my merry way, all by my onesy most of the time? That's an improvement.]

Cynical Self: And your point , madam?

Plugged in Earnest Artist: Here's the matrix part. Digital photography has enabled someone like me, undisciplined, faithless, possessing only the crudest of technical skills, to surf the matrix on occasion. If access to the matrix is provided through "prayer", and "prayer" is defined as the intentional expression of gratitiude and appreciation, while holding a pleasant feeling in your body, I have learned to pray behind my lens. It's fun, actually.

Cynical Self : Er...r.. okey dokey, our time is up (phew) - on behalf of all of us here at Dakota, thank you for joining us.


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Photo notes: Rawbones matrices, out in nature, before the spring burgeoning obscures

Addendum: The answer to my clickie prayers

Posted by Dakota at April 6, 2006 06:15 AM