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March 13, 2006

Set in Stone?


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In honor of my recent state of mind, and the valiant (if I do say so myself) attempt to change it, I offer two interesting studies from the annals of science, which, even I, can comprehend -- both of which could prove helpful in my endeavors. .

Dr. Elisabeth Gould (mother of three, and Queen of Neurogenesis) is studying marmosets at Princeton to learn how lilfe affects the brain

"To understand how neurogenesis—the process of creating new brain cells— works, Gould’s lab studies the effect of two separate variables: stress and enriched environments. Chronic stress, predictably enough, decreases neurogenesis. As Christian Mirescu, one of Gould’s post-docs, put it, “When a brain is worried, it’s just thinking about survival. It isn’t interested in investing in new cells for the future.”

On the other hand, enriched animal environments—enclosures that simulate the complexity of a natural habitat—lead to dramatic increases in both neurogenesis and the density of neuronal dendrites, the branches that connect one neuron to another. Complex surroundings create a complex brain."


"As millions will attest, Prozac does do something. Duman’s insight, which he began to test gradually, was that a range of antidepressants trigger a molecular pathway that has little, if anything, to do with serotonin. Instead, this chemical cascade leads to an increase in the production of a class of proteins known as trophic factors. Trophic factors make neurons grow. What water and sun do for trees, trophic factors do for brain cells. Depression was like an extended drought: It deprived neurons of the sustenance they need."

And then there's the issue of enhancing one's luck. It will take a bit of practice to become a lucky son-of-a-gun, but it seems like it can be done.

This morning, I'm doing my best to enrich my environment, and if I get lucky, I'll sprout a few more cerebral cells.

Photo note: Befitting my state of mind, I can't find any photos I like. I settled for a tombstone. You will notice that it is growing a little mold.

Posted by Dakota at March 13, 2006 03:50 PM