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It's been a great week for the spread of democracy.
First, congratulations on the successful penetration of twelve, you heard it, a dozen, statements into the media regarding the importance of wiretapping to national security. A fine job. The media network is strong in spite of Judith's resignation to write a novel.
In addition, some vicious terrorists have been vanquished, and terrorist loving leakers have been routed out and eliminated.
Victory is in sight for the culture of life, and hardly anyone is noticing. Slip it right past 'them, piece by piece. Taking it slow -- partial death abortion rights
If anyone needs a new consulting company or a lobbyist to help them with new projects, just let me know.
Photo note: Taken from behind a patriotic pickup --doesn't that fellow look just like Dick Cheney?
Posted by Dakota at February 22, 2006 07:11 PM