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January 15, 2006

Pushing Enough Buttons


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Zogby's new poll indicates that 52% of Americans support the impeachment of George W. Bush if he engaged in illegal wiretapping.

"The strong support for impeachment found in this poll is especially surprising because the views of impeachment supporters are entirely absent from the broadcast and print media, and can only be found on the Internet and in street protests. The lack of coverage of impeachment support is due in part to the fact that not a single Democrat in Congress has called for impeachment, despite considerable grassroots activism by groups like Democrats.com (http://democrats.com/impeach)."

Even Arlen might be a supporter.

As far as I'm concerned, illegal wiretapping is just the tip of the iceberg. W. has consistantly overstepped the legal limits of his power.

Photo note: Ding dong. How many more buttons does he have to push?

Posted by Dakota at January 15, 2006 07:35 PM