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I awoke this morning from an apocalyptic dream to the harpist Debra Henson-Conant admitting that she thinks about the apocalypse alot, "I just can't help it!", telling stories and singing Christmas carols to the riffs of her harp. Since my dream involved trying to put together an emergency bag from an unfamiliar closet, in a room with someone who had the flu, while the Boston University Bridge went up in five story flames, and the lights of the city extinguished slowly before my very eyes, it was a comfort to know that someone so jolly as Debra Hensen-Conant perseverates on the same subject.
It annoys Debra that the public always associates the harp with angels alone, and she does her best, during the year, to show that the harp, like everything else, can have a darker side. She believes that people singing together is an antidote to darkness. Tis the season to do so without our usual self consciousness.
Given my dreams, I think I had best do some singing today.
You will probably be able to hear Debra's delightful interview with Tom Ashbrook on the On Point Website soon, though it's not posted as I write.
Photo note: What a relief, no metaphorophoto, no metamorphophoto, just a simple Christmas ornament with the inevitable light and shadow
Posted by Dakota at December 24, 2005 06:43 AM