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November 03, 2005

Necker Cube


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I originally took this photo as a bit of a complaint about the sparsity of brilliant autumnal foliage this year. When I showed it to a friend, she told me it was a necker cube. Not exactly an entire necker cube, but, as you view the photograph, you may have a bit of trouble telling if the corner is facing away from you or toward you. It's hard to know what's real. Some would say the ability to see it both ways is important.

I suspect that Bill Clinton, whose intellect and ideals I admire, and whose psychopathology (as far as presidential types go) I find rather touching, is one of those folks who believe in dialectical thinking. Dialectical thinking is a higher form of post-formal thought that involves understanding an opposing point of view, even if you do not share it, and trying to incorporate it into yours. Although Clinton had the best intentions, his dedication to dialectical thinking made him appear to sacrifice priniciples, and in my opinion, was most detrimental to the liberal democratic party. In an attempt to incorporate neoconservative ideas, democrats moved way too far to the right, for my taste, trying to find ways to tolerate the immorality and injustices brought to them. Bill and Hillary still have trouble calling George W. the names he deserves to be called.

I personally, am not going to go out of my way to embrace the positive aspects of racism, sexism, elitism, and privilege due to birth. To me, it smacks of welcoming Hitler's good ideas with open arms. As they say, the trains did run on time in Nazi Germany. We dont' even have support for Amtrak in this administration. Paris Hilton must be thrilled, assuming she has the capacity to understand the advantages the "Death Tax" showers on her .

I have such difficulty understanding how intelligent, well educated men like John Roberts and Samuel Alito can possibly think that their views will make a better world for everyone. Maybe they just want a better world for themselves, (and Paris H.). They must be planning to live in gated communities and hire bodyguards.

As to viewing this photo, keep in mind that, in this case, the reality is that the corner of the building is facing you, even though you can get your mind to view it the other way

Here are a slew of illusions for your perusal. Don't miss Dr Angry and Mr. Smile

Posted by Dakota at November 3, 2005 08:21 PM