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I was just about to drop the subject of avian flu for awhile, even though my photo archives, in preparation, are overflowing with unattractive shots of seagulls swarming blurrily, when, Saturday morning, right in the middle of the impending sunrise, there stood a blue heron. I have frequented this beach for thirty five years, and never before have I seen a blue heron. Little Miss Synchronicity naturally took it as a sign. Not particularly a symbol of self determination and self reliance, though that's what the totem means -- more directly, here was one big migratory bird right in my neighborhood trying to tell me something.
My Saturday heron shots were taken just before sunrise, and I had to brutalize them with photoshop in order to get a shadow in beachgrass. But on Sunday, when I took an unusual stroll across the bridge, there she was again, in full light, posing on a well shaped rock, just for me
The rest of the week:
On Monday, I decided to replace my stock of N95 masks with nanomasks, which resulted in a brief, but highly informative email correspondence with John Hart, of Oregon Digital, who turns out to be the author of an excellent ebook of some 90 pages on the subject of H5N1, the avian flu, yours for only $8.95, or free with a nanomask order.
Today I asked my obsessive, goofily sweet, orthodox opthamologist if he had his tamiflu, even though he was touching my cornea with his machine at that moment.
"Doesn't work," he said.
" Have you read about it?" I inquired carefully
" No."
"It isn't pretty," I countered, once the machine was out of my eye
" No end of the world scenario is pretty." he replied
Since he had ask-for-a-mask-don't-sneeze-in-our- face-if- you-have- the-flu signs all over his office, I told him about nanomasks and elderberry syrup, which he dictated into his little machine, for his secretary to look into.
When he left the examining room, his assistant took me aside to inquire about the spelling of Sambucol, and I told her about The Fluwki. Why are doctors so resistant?
For the past few days I have been in such a rage about the Bush Administration's response to Katrina, and FEMA's incompetence and sabotage, that I think I have been attracting that energy into my space. At least avian flu has a "think about what you want, rather than what you don't want" aspect to it.
Photo note: My fine feathered friend
Posted by Dakota at September 7, 2005 06:52 AM