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June 08, 2005



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I think it is worth mentioning, even though Esther Hicks, channeling Abraham, would tell me, in no uncertain terms, to get out of this vibration, (which I will in a minute), that there is a bit of a pandemic brewing, and it has created some strange bedfellows.

The avian flu is of such concern that a special issue of "Nature" has been devoted to it. It's worth a peek, not to scare yourself half to death, but to know that there are preventative measures you can take to modify it's effect, should this flu come your way.

Tamiflu, a fairly effective antiviral, is available, should you want to keep some on hand. It's proported to have a shelf life of five years.

I ordered the recommended 30 pills last week for myself, (on line without a prescription, but you could probably get a prescription from your doctor). It was expensive, $275, but, thank god, it's for sale -- so far. I am having difficulty convincing those near and dear to me that this is, in fact, a sensible precaution, not just "internet stuff". So, if you have any doubts about spending the money, I urge you to read the clickies carefully.

It was pointed out to me that if there is a rush for Tamiflu by privileged individuals, such as myself, it might not be available to use where it's needed, when it's needed -- good point. Of course, if I thought the Bush administration was making any kind of a plan to deal with this, I might not have stocked up. They're busy fighting for freedom and protecting us from terrorists, not viri-- and they have enough Tamiflu to take care of themselves, you can be sure. If the Revelation comes, at least there will be one liberal, I mean, progressive democrat , left.

Photo note: This is the the best I can do for mutating viri until I figure out how to use the macro on my new camera. It's a metaphoraphoto

Posted by Dakota at June 8, 2005 06:49 AM