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Honestly, I have attuned myself so finely that some of my usual activities are no longer resonating with my new vibration, so to speak.
That is why, when listening to NPR and hearing Bill Frist, our healer/leader, spinning the demise of the filibuster, thus the last remnants of checks and balances, without commentary, I scream. Those in the auditory vicinity find this newly acquired reaction quite annoying, and tell me not to take it so personally. That really helps.
Esther Hicks, channeling Abraham, would say that I am disrupting my alignment with Source Energy, and I need to turn my attention elsewhere, because the best thing I can do about the situation is to stay aligned with well being and focuss on what I would prefer. Unfortunately, screaming still has its certain satisfactions.
Yesterday, I had to turn off a book on tape by a woman internist turned novelist, because it was too upsetting for my increasingly delicate sensibilities. Those internists really know how to evoke an image .
I am, however, reading (yes, a chunky hardcover, for the first time in months, so you know it must be good) a WONDERFUL book by Martha Beck, my heroine, called "Leaving the Saints" . It's about her slow departure from the Mormon Church, as well as an excellent description of the somatization of trauma, for those who are interested in such matters. (search "feet" on my blog). As Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Post Traumatic Stress, has said "The Body Keeps The Score". I might add that Martha Beck is hysterically funny, which allows one to take in the less savory passages in a transformed way.
Photo note: One of hundreds (of course) shots of the bleeding hearts, chosen for its prominent double triangle .
Posted by Dakota at May 19, 2005 07:11 AM