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April 16, 2005



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Here's my opportunity to display that aspect of myself that fancies herself Martha Stewart (though I am far less prolifiic in the creative homemaking arena, not nearly as obsessive, and more honest in my stock trading, infrequent that it is these days), as well as to update those of you who are following my nutritional adventures.

When I visit my nutritionist, we have ever so much to cover in an hour. Last week, although we cleared three allergies, we also vacuumed out the misty red vapors lurking around my throat, opened up a few more chakras and evened out my aura, particularly in the crown area. I also, as you recall, got to take Henry and Roberta home. Oh dear, I think I forgot to return them, though I'm sure they're perfectly capable of being just where they're needed.

In our haste, I forgot to ask which allergies were cleared-- although I suppose it really doesn't matter, I asked this week, just for the record. They were as follows: diesel and gasoline fumes, little black bugs (which we both assumed to be dust mites, of which there are plenty in the microwilderness around me), and asparagine-linked glycans. Guess where those are located? In asparagus -- a veggie high on my top ten favorite food of all time list. My nurtitionist says you often crave the foods to which you are most allergic. I just adore those skinny, skinny little ones and now the fat, fresh spring ones.

Well the good thing is, we are taking care of the allergy somewhere in the etherial, so I can now eat asparagus to my heart's content, just like I did before, without consequences. I guess that goes for diesel fumes and dust mites too, though I am not as attached to those.

You may ask, how's the nutrition part going? I think it is my satiety that is being affected. We shall see. I am not sylphlike as yet, but as Esther Hicks, channeling Abraham, would say you can be plump and miserable, or you can be chubby and glorious - the only thing that you can change overnight is your perspective.

In any case, at Easter, I had put a bunch of asparagus into a little water in a glass beaker for storage, when it occurred to me that adding a few daffodils to the arrangement would make a festive spring centerpiece. Then, of course, I took a picture, not a great one, but illustrative enough. Two weeks later, I found out why I needed it.

Posted by Dakota at April 16, 2005 06:40 AM