Due to the proliferation of comment spam, I’ve had to close comments on this entry. If you would like to leave comment, please use one of my recent entries. Thank you and sorry for any inconvience caused.
Something astonishing is happening on my blog. On March 27, I had the same two hundred plus unique visitors as I've had for over a year. From March 27th to today, I have moved by larger and larger increments to 2,276 unique visitors.
At first I thought that most of the increasing numbers had to do with the pill, poker and penis pushers who hang their advertisements off my blog like Spanish moss, and thus are counted as visitors rather than parasites , for which there is no category. But my web server statistics tell me that most of my traffic is coming from google images . There is, of course, the handsome, romantic, young man with excellent taste, I might add, who chose my white lily photo to represent himself in a personal ad at My Space. He gets about three hundred hits a day because he's adorable.
In addition, the top search keywords reveal that many people are stumbling upon Dakota when they google "kitten" and "future" - I never published a picture of a kitten on my blog until yesterday (pandering to my public) -- perhaps in a clickie, but never on a frontispiece. Who knows? The future google image seems to be an entry about outsider art.
So I think my nutritionist's treatment is working. Here's the plan, my head will grow larger as my body melts away. Soon I will be just like Helium, if I don't watch it. No kidding, our work in the woowoo is manifesting.
Photo note: This is the prettiest picture I ever took of Spring. The passerby gets a big gold star for her choice of costume. It seemed a shame not to publish again, for the throngs who might have missed it the first time around.
Posted by Dakota at April 7, 2005 06:33 AM