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Ah, quite a day in the life the emerging spirit. It began with my ladies' group. I reported the successful, however anguished, claiming of my inheritance for purposes of selfish indulgence , which was heralded with much approval and applause. I was reminded that this is a metaphor for claiming self, not a grasping, greedy gesture that hurts others, and will get me into big trouble .
Where ever did I get this idea? My dear, deceased mother did not take kindly to differentiation. In fact she was quite unrelenting when she found an area in my psyche which was not in complete harmony with hers. She used her full arsenal of influence on that little difference until it rolled over, flattened and disappeared into the great beyond, never to be available again. That's where the idea originated, though it lost it's usefulness long ago. But I digress.
We did our usual coughing, gagging, toning, talking and general psychic good housekeeping in an attempt to make room for our enlightened selves to fully enter our bodies. Most of us aren't quite there, but we're chipping away at it.
And then I went to see my dietician. We got right down to business, since there is much to do. I was Snifferina for some reason, perhaps the spring.
Let's see, first she consulted my guides -- there is quite a substantial group, I am happy to report. She said that no one meditates an hour everyday for four years without attracting quite a crowd. (Now I blog much more and meditate much less.) One of them was named Jeremiah. It's nice to have a name when you're making a call.
They told her (rather precisely, I thought) that I will not fully integrate all the aspects of myself for eight weeks, starting from last week. The reason for the delay is so that the process happens gradually, and doesn't blow me out of the water (they are a bit old fashioned in their language, so I'm taking liberties) Al Pesso has a wonderful term for that, "ego wrapping". Esther Hicks would say that there's no need to water the garden with a fire hose. I certainly can wait seven weeks, besides there's much to do in the meantime.
I asked my dietician if she's always so spontaneously spiritual, so out of the shadows, so openly chatty with her cosmic consultants. She said that she tries to be, so that people will get used to it, although she loses a client every now and then because of getting spooked .
Here are my Good Friday messages from Jeremiah and the Guides .
. I will be involved in some automatic writing - (I think this is it folks, but stay tuned.)
. My grandmother has her own healing table and I have mine. My dietician saw a large wooden table with clay and wooden bowls on it that were filled with herbs. I was sitting behind one and my grandmother behind the other. This image was repeated again at the end of our session to reiterate it's importance. It's interesting that my mother's mother was into the esoteric, impressively for a German hausfrau , due to her energy cure from rheumatoid arthritis. I have only one memory of her, showing me the beauty of a tomato worm in the garden.
. Allergins were identified. My Cluster made it clear that isoflavones were giving me loads of trouble in every system. One of the most common isoflavones is soy, but there are others and they are all biochemically related to estrogen. My intestines always protest mightily when soy is introduced. In any case, we took care of that one energetically, in no time, and then we worked on my feet, which are improving.
. I needed electrolytes. I'm just finishing off my third 16 oz bottle of Gaterade as we speak.
Not bad for a day's work.
Photo note: the Virgin Mary with her head in the trees, her back to the wall and a jewel at her feet. What can I say? It just jumped into my camera on Good Friday. A double combo metaphorophoto and metamorphophoto.
Posted by Dakota at March 28, 2005 10:15 PM