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Ah, the same damn subject - hope you aren't getting tired of this.
Here we see an excellent example of the newly identified category, metamorphophoto, in which the thangka or Buddha with snake/ wisdom overlays a house and slowly vaporizes into the winter sky. I suppose it could also be a metaphorophoto, but someone else will have to suggest the metaphor, since it is not coming easily to me.
A dear old friend who just visited my blog for the first time, commented to me on email, "You have a real gift for giving inanimate compositions a life and a voice. It is as though you learned early to invest life in objects around you in the absence of an emotional connection to the adults in your life."
Although I never thought about my childhood exactly in those terms, there does seem to be a real absence of mammals in my photos. Perhaps that's because my camera has delayed shutter action, which makes it hard to capture moving targets, but I doubt that.
Photo note: See above
Posted by Dakota at February 21, 2005 10:22 PM