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Oh goodness! How could I have forgotten! Yesterday was the Inauguration. I spent my day not spending a damn dime in protest, though those of us who unconsumed did not seem to make the front page this morning. I plan to unconsume some more, for the sheer joy of it.
As you may have noticed, in spite of the $40 million spent (from private contributions, what a comfort), the traditional poet was missing. Perhaps all the poets are pissed . Never fear, The Rude Pundit has provided us with some lovely poetry from the president himself. Who needs a poet laureate! W is following Rumsfeld's lead in the muse department, as well as in the defense area. In fact, Bush Poetry is an old and fabled form, emerging from the Outback. It is often sung to a strumming guitar around a campfire on the open plain. Given this context, the repeated refrains, seen below, can be understood as traditional elements of the ballad , rather than the sequelae of alcoholic dementia.
A Poem by George W. Bush:
(All taken from Bush's own words at his press conference 12/21/04.)
Dear Vladimir
I'm optimistic about achieving results, Vladimir.
I will submit and maintain strict discipline, Vladimir.
I intend to keep it that way.
We will provide every tool
We have tools at our disposal, a variety of tools.
We have joint efforts.
Let us keep our commitment a sustained effort.
Because we acted, I will give you a decisive blow in Slovenia.
If we disagree with decisions, we can do so
In a friendly and positive way, Vladimir.
Vladimir, we have got a good personal relationship.
We are two people who've grown to appreciate
Each other and respect each other.
It's a lot less painful to act now
Than if we wait. Otherwise, it will
Make everybody else jealous,
And I don't want that to happen.
Dakota literary commentary: Joint, tool, blow, submit, discipline - I have spared you the clickies. Often in Bush Poetry, one finds sublimal homoerotic imagery, given the same sex nature of a cow poke's life, or perhaps the unbridled unconscious. Most cowpokes are terrified of their homosexual impulses and do what they can to eradicate in others the parts of themselves that they most fear. When this is the case, consititutional amendments come in handy.
Polls go up. Polls go down.
You want to get me to negotiate with myself in public
Polls go up. Polls go down.
I will negotiate at the appropriate time.
Polls go up. Polls go down.
They will want me to start playing my hand.
Polls go up. Polls go down.
I'm not going to negotiate with myself.
I'm not going to negotiate with myself.
Polls go up. Polls go down.
I will try to explain how without negotiating with myself.
Polls go up. Polls go down.
I issued.
Dakota literary commentary: Ah, a Bush Poem that is better sung than read. Note the repeating refrain, and again, the autoerotic allusions.
I know Secretary Rumsfeld's heart.
I've seen his eyes when we talk about the dangers, the youngsters.
He's a caring fellow.
Beneath that rough and gruff, no-nonsense demeanor is
A good human being who cares deeply.
When I asked the Secretary,
I was very pleased when he said, "Yes."
He understands the nature of the forces
And where forces are when the heat gets on.
I said to him, "I will continue to push,
You're painfully aware. You had to suffer.
I'm passionate on it. But we have sent messages.
We've sanctioned ourselves.
People are coming. Yet we will continue to
Work the issue hard." His is a vital issue.
He took that on and absorbed it in the spirit
In which it was offered,
The spirit of two people who've grown to
Appreciate each other and respect each other.
But we have to make it easier to enforce our borders.
Dakota literary commentary: And here we see some romantic sentimentality emerge , as the cow poke gazes into eyes of the man with whom he has merged, sees his heart, understands the nature of the forces -- heat, passion the thrill of hearing "Yes". As the content takes on erotic complexity, the simple refrains of classic Bush Poetry are nowhere in evidence. The poet has moved from a position of no negotiation with self, to one of sanction of self and other. And then, a leap to the future, a wish, a goal, making it easier to "enforce our borders".
I was trying to be really brilliant.
But I'm under no illusions.
I'm not doing a very good job.
Dakota Literary Commentary: Here we see both the delicate influence of Japanese haiku, merged with contemplative self examination, a departure from the bolder, more strident thrusts of traditional Bush Poetry. Certainly a momentary brush with more sophisticated form.
We are waiting with baited breath for Condi to get through those obnoxious questions from Democrats who are standing in the way of her confirmation, so that she can take her rightful place, nuzzling W's armpit, unleash her creativity and join in the poetry slam.
Photo note: Peace on Earth, under the American flag, is somewhat obscured in this picture. Of course, I found it symbolic.