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I have spent all my bloggish time this morning sifting through my archives trying to locate unpublished ,gay, holiday photos with which to adorn the premises. Sadly this bleak little number was the best I could do among the leftovers . I know I have one with cider and berries and wreaths, saturated to the gills, which I simply can't find.
I am off to the Bardo , by airplane, on Friday. I must remember to take my little nail file out of my backpack, lest it be confiscated (again), though I'm tempted to wear my throwing star pendant, it being Christmas and all. Harassment at airports under the slippery black umbrella of the Patriot Act , may be a new way of teaching lessons to those who disagree with this administration. It's chilling . I am pleased that John Perry Barlow is fighting the good fight for all of us.
Posted by Dakota at December 22, 2004 07:13 AM