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A friend sent this to me yesterday. It's from somewhere in the bowels of Photobucket.com , to which I have no access, so I cannot give credit where credit is due. Sorry. Notice how beautifully the borders flow. She also suggested that I google dominionism , which I did dutifully. Alan Jacobs tries to be reassuring, but Katherine Yurica has a more alarming perspective. Somehow, dominionism passed me by, probably because I haven't been going to church on Sunday. Seems like something ominious has been happening that us Born Once's have missed.
In keeping with this cheerful theme, here's short summary of other wins published on Metafilter
"While you were re-electing a president:
Senator-elect Jim DeMint: Thinks that unwed pregnant women and gays are unfit to be schoolteachers.
Senator-elect Tom Coburn: Wants the death penalty for abortion doctors.
Senator-elect John Thune: Mr. School Prayer Amendment.
Voters in 11 states voted to ban same-sex marriage. The lowest margin was 57%-43%. The highest (Mississippi) was 86%-14%. Kentucky's also bans civil unions. That one was 75%-25%.
The Senate will likely be split 55-45 in favor of Republicans, creeping closer to a filibuster-proof supermajority. Meanwhile, 89% of these guys [the Supreme Court Justices] are older than 65.
Enjoy your tax cut, America. You're going to need it."
And all that silliness about never reinstating the draft. LeftTalk reports that there is a Selective Service Proposal , already drafted, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request (take advantage of it while it lasts, folks), which contradicts W.'s preelection promise. How, may I ask, are we going to man the Crusade without more soldiers? There are, after all, many more Evil Empires to subdue.
As you can see, I am just trying to adjust to the malignant diagnosis of four more years, no more democracy, received yesterday. To my astonishment, more than half of the country is celebrating their affliction. Maybe there's something to this rapture business.
As long as we're on the subject