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My Ladies' Group met yesterday for the first time in about six weeks. We were a small crowd, three and our leader. I arrived a little early and discovered a tiny seaside cemetery dated 1740. Perhaps I will publish a photo when I see what I harvested.
Since we hadn't met in so long, it took us awhile to catch up. It's very hard for any of us to appreciate our own process of becoming who we really are --goddesses all. (Keep in mind everyone has that potential , lest you think us arrogant).
I began my part of the discussion with what I have been struggling with over the past few weeks right here in River City. My dilemma, as I saw it, was that I could not appreciate the contrast provided by the Bushies. I constantly lose sight of the big picture and find myself wallowing in hatred . I have trouble keeping in mind that a vigorously renewed desire for peace and democracy has arisen from this mess. We all agreed that I have had a rather excessive response to what has been happening, and that my anger may have roots closer than Washington D.C.
Everyone reminded me about the energy pattern that I carry in my solar plexus , and how core pieces of my life still hold that pattern in place. The pattern, which could be called "The Servant" , is one in which entitlement is pathologically missing, leading to unwelcome intrusion and distraction from life purpose. One of the more annoying things to me about this pattern is that the continual, low level fear of intrusion, keeps me shut down in wariness. This often causes me to miss the flow of life. It also manufactures alot of stuck chi in my body which really hurts.
Everyone pitched in in their best shamanistic fashion to move my rusty old dial from servant to goddess. I'd say we got about as far as civil servant. That is, a servant with quite a bit of entitlement. We may have gone further than that, I'll have to cruise around on my new setting for a while and see.
Archetype Test I got Magician, Jester, Creator, but there was no servant category., what can I say.
Photo note: Isn't this just a perfect transformation-in-process ?
Posted by Dakota at October 29, 2004 07:46 AM