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Due to an unbelievably early appointment, I have no time to comment on the debate last night. Just a photo.
You can almost
see the rainbow.http://www.alzscot.org/info/alcohol.html#Korsakoff">
I thought W. was obfiscating again. His media training bra was hanging out. Laura told him to stand up straight and not scowl. She didn't say anything about not lying, or answering the questions he was asked. Oh well. Is she Born Again too? How come we never see photos of W. on his knees in a church on Sunday. Oh, I know, he's playing golf. Maybe that's the next Rovian media ploy.
Factcheck.org tells us a bit about what we heard last night. Perhaps it's my bias, but the essence of Kerry's erroneous facts seemed much nearer to truth than did Bush's. I have heard that someone in the great v-yond is weighting errors, like 10 points for a big fat lie and 2 points for a number mistake or different interpretation. Guess who's way out ahead in the putrid point race? Lacking that online reference, Cameron Marlowe's noun-phrase analysis will do nicely. P.S. I found it Kevin Drum at The Washington Monthly did it.
Here's an interesting clip of Bush speaking ten years ago . Perhaps he is
confabulating rather than lying, a sign of alcohol induced dementia. We shouldn't really be worried, since Ronald Reagan had quite a case of the same problem , and he was known as the great communicator. To the demented deniers in the right wing, he was one of our most beloved presidents too. It's not such a handicap, but that black and white thinking symptom can be dangerous when you have the power to declare war.