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October 11, 2004




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The reason I didn't throw something up today is that I took home a new camera on Saturday, which I am returning. Playing around with the camera stole all my bloggy time.

In the final analysis, I decided that the Canon Powershot S70 just wasn't a six hundred dollar improvement over the camera I have, an S40. It weighed less and had a better eraser -- pluses. Although more explicitly detailed close ups were possible, I couldn't get it to focus at a distance at all. Worst were the unusable exposures that happened when I tried to "bracket" which I feel compelled to do , taking three exposures of everything automatically. My S40 gives me three usable pictures, the S70 gave me one decent shot (if it wasn't more than ten feet away), a dark square and a white square . Hardly worth the electrons.

I really don't need 7 megapixels to blog, since my published photos are tiny. But what if I ever wanted to do wall paper? I could, for example, blow up something like the shot above to fit a whole room if I were operating on 7 rather than 4 megapixels. Can you just imagine? Or I could do a whole wall of Niagara Falls .

Anyway it was a big waste of time, but made me appreciate what I have.

Photo note: These are pictures of the sun shining through a live grape arbor onto an ultarmarine blue fence at a favorite al fresco brunch joint . Also a good example of bracketing. I couldn't decide which was better.

Posted by Dakota at October 11, 2004 11:18 AM