Due to the proliferation of comment spam, I’ve had to close comments on this entry. If you would like to leave comment, please use one of my recent entries. Thank you and sorry for any inconvience caused.
Thought you had seen the last of me for a couple of weeks? This is intermittant reinforcement, The most powerful kind - meant to keep you coming back, to see if I made an entry. Just like a slot machine. It could happen any minute. If you bookmark me, you can press the bookmark many times a day, and you will possibly be rewarded. You may even feel a slight rush of adrenalin, when you push the lever and actually find something other than the damn blue fairy. Those of you with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, who do not enjoy adrenalin rushes because of what they trigger, can skip the bookmark part.
The dedicated blogger never stops when he or she is connected to the virtual universe. I am off to the Bardo for a couple of days and my plane doesn't leave for awhile.
Like my photo? Here I go.
Posted by Dakota at July 31, 2004 06:23 AM