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Goodness, I am listed in livingroom.org as an underblogger. Livingroom is an Australian youth ministry, interestingly enough, designed to attract the younger set to the "emerging church". Uh oh. It is, however, chock full of non-proselytizing information , and seems to have had a momumental response to its call for underappreciated blogs.
Right next to me in the D-H alphabetically ordered underbloggers list is The Daily Shower which deserves at least five stars for the creative use of clickies, and a few other things. Mark Cantone, the Showerhead, is my kind of minister.
Although I think I will visit other blogs on the list, I usually feel deflated and hopeless after such explorations.
Photo note: Documenting the first time I ever shot a gator.
Posted by Dakota at July 8, 2004 07:07 AM