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June 29, 2004

Search terms


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I have a little button that I push occasionally called Web Server Statistics . Actually, if I were to be honest, I push it at least once a day. The thought that someone is reading this thing called blog is what keeps me doing it, I think.

Although there are a number of things that my Web Server Statistics let me know, the list of search terms is one of the most interesting. The following are some of the requests people typed into their little google slots that brought them to me .

thumb sucking teeth deformity
blog lightworker ( moi? I loved this one)
"mounted or mount her or my foot" stockings ( a result of my fetish piece, no doubt)
nylon petticoat (the fetishists are persistant)
Lesbian soccer moms
household items I can masterbate with (why would you have to look that up on the internet, isn't it fairly obvious)
thin sari navel photo
creative secretion sneakers
"green goddess" bouquet
blather dysfunction (my all time favorite)

"Scratched cornea" has dropped off considerably, but still appears almost daily
as does "elephant drawing".

The brides have sluggish popularity long after the excitment of their weddings. Of course the triple goddess manifests regularly.

Another popular search term is Gabor Mate , Canadian psychiatrist, visionary, and author of a wonderful book about Attention Deficit Disorder called "Scattered" , (among others). Dr. M. has completely disappeared from my list. He is probably busy writing another book and has stopped authorly elbow rubbing. As a result, the public doesn't google him as much (his energy is of the googleable sort) and find me at the end of the trail. I am waiting for his new publication with baited breath.

Aside: I loaned (I realized, weeks ago, that I did not lose) my copy of "Scattered" to a person who is even more scattered than I, probably due to my energy field, however. I now know that the book is hopelessly buried somewhere under a pile of bacteria producing laundry in territory I no longer have to traverse, so I tried to order another copy this morning. I was foiled by Amazon's new one-step system. When the book was in my possession, I read the etiology section, but never got to the "what to do about your condition" part. I guess I'm not supposed to know quite yet.

Photo note: I love this photo for its faux vanishing point , and the reflections that seem to be guided by it. (Did you know that the ability to render perspective- three dimensions- on a flat surface- two dimensions- changed human thought?)

This visual appeared during a stroll to dinner with my Abraham-Hicks Manifestation and Discussion Group on Sunday. I picked it because it comes as close to the technical as I get, and I consider this a technical entry, in that it involves statistics. The printed word ART was good for another six points.

Posted by Dakota at June 29, 2004 05:43 AM