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In his review in the New York Times, May 2, 2004, Franklin Foer , associate editor of The New Republic, criticizes John Dean's new book "Worse than Watergate" because Dean "fails to persuade the undecided "..... By the end, the levelheaded Mr. Dean has remade himself as the spitfire Howard Dean....This is a maddening book. Dean has again amassed evidence of a cancer growing on the presidency. But he has forgotten the lesson of his Ervin committee testimony : to strike a blow against a president, it takes a calm demeanor, clear presentation and a voice devoid of rancor."
Here's Michael Moore doing just that, in the New York Times, May 23, 2004. I am telling you that I am quoting from now on, so I don't have to deal with all the transposition of quotation marks that would be required to be grammatically correct. I don't know how to indent in Moveable Type either. Just so you know what I would be doing if I weren't in such a hurry. Here goes:
Asked by a journalist at the news conference what he thought Mr. Bush , the target and, inadvertently, the star of "Fahrenheit 9/11" would make of his Palme d'Or, Mr. Moore was temporarily brought up short. "Does he know what this is?" he wondered. Then, suppressing a wry smile, Cannes newest laureate decided to be gracious. "I'm sure he's proud any time an American can win an award on the international stage", he said.
Photo note: A flag playfully whipping around in the breeze, after dark.
Posted by Dakota at May 23, 2004 11:14 AM