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March 24, 2004

For your spare time


Here's an amusing little thing to do, should you have run out of ideas, and you're reading blog anyway ---.reverse astrology

I came out very Libratarian, because I am. Balance, peace, harmony, beauty, you name it, Buster. Would that all of the feisty little parts in my internal family system would get with the program.

In my meanderings in and around the pretty test, (it is so pretty, you must click) I was directed to the following site. James Randi , Skeptic.

How does the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle work with this stuff anyway? It says that an attempt to observe or measure something, changes it. The very act of observing changes the observed. How much of our reality do we create with our observations?

Here's a cute comment from the site of the skeptic.

"Apropos your update of a week ago regarding the mind-boggling ramblings of Mr. Gordon-Hall, I was reminded of a Feng-Shui column written by some self-styled "Guru" in a local newspaper. It claimed that books should not be placed anywhere near the toilet as their "knowledge is drained away." Experiment of the week: I placed a Feng-Shui book on a shelf in the loo [bathroom]. A day later, I read it. It made no sense. I guess I'm a believer now.... Keep up the good work."

Photo note: Just a little something from the prop closet, in honor of Libra.

Posted by Dakota at March 24, 2004 10:57 AM