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February 04, 2004

The digested read


There is a feature in the Manchester Guardian called "The Digested Read." which is / really funny. (I happened upon it thanks to Moorish Girl) There are six contemporary novels reviewed in this manner - short, plot glued, deadpan and concrete -- including the new Ann Tyler and the new John LaCarre. I'm sure the author has already started on a collection of classics.

Wide-eyed Alice, the prepubescent blonde wearing blue, drops into hole, where she collides with nattily attired rabbit in a hurry. I am sorry to say that I do not remember the plot of Alice in Wonderland, nor any other classic for that matter, well enough to give you an adequate example. Struwwelpeter I could do in a heartbeat, which is probably why I can't remember anything much after that.

Photo note: This is a piece of sculpture entitled "The Reader's Digest Condensed Reading Chair" It is made entirely from Reader's Digest Condensed books, and stands about two feet high. A fine utilization of books that belong in the trash. Of course, I just happened to have it sitting around.

Posted by Dakota at February 4, 2004 05:55 AM