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January 27, 2004

The meaning of all this


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So what is an appendix anyway? A vestigial organ, unnecessary, impacted with shit. Mine is gone, quite efficiently, I might add. After Sunday night and Monday in the hospital, I was discharged Monday evening with a handful of Percoset and four little punctures in my abdomen. I am glued, so I don't even have a bandaid. (Two more nurses liked my hair. What can I say. I didn't even have a hairbrush with me, they were liking it uncombed. ) Did I blow my gut with my hissy fit? Unlikely, since I have had a few of those in my day and something like this never happened.

Here's what I think. You know that little vision I was describing, I did have a singing bowl on my abdomen in my ladies group. Perhaps this event was a way to eliminate the unwanted that I embodied, licketey split. I was also wishing for more time to read and write, and look what I got.

The things that make me feel like this was a woowoo experience.

My friend was on line when I called so sick, and essentially made the diagnosis. I could have vomited for three days, thinking I had the stomach flu.

I was completely relaxed through the whole ordeal. Of course, morphine can have that effect.

The procedure was so fast and I feel so good two days afterward, like I did 700 too many situps.

Everything flowed, the empty ER, the surgeon being there already and knowing Bellruth, the laporoscopy rather than abdominal surgery

I had a new package of Belleruth surgery tapes in a pile and was able to listen to them.

Today, my dear friend, who is always booked solid, (one of the "ladies", of course) fortuitously had cancellations until 2PM. She came over and gave me a Reiki treatment, which she does for a hobby, and I haven't had to take any Percoset since. She said that she could see the Percoset was clouding my third eye, and we can't have that.

People over fifty don't usually have appendicitis.

Posted by Dakota at January 27, 2004 06:11 PM