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Morning Ms. Dakota, you're up early, was it the muse that wakened you to the velvet cave of newly morn?
Cold Mountain
My lofty throw of purest down envelopes me,
opening to the clear drop
of thought manifested.
and makes me wish I had those nifty fingerless fleece wrist warmers that the guys at the toll booths were wearing last night.
So, what really awakened me at 4 AM, robin perky were my knee fascia, softly screaming "Why did you take us to that damn three hour movie yesterday after sitting for damn four hours at the hairdresser?" My knees never swear. "Well," I reply,"The hairdresser was pathwork". "WHAT?? Now I've heard everything."
I'm going whiter and whiter folks. My sweet hairdresser, is one of the charter members of the Abraham-Hicks Interpretation and Discussion Society, told me that she's planning to go white like me in a few years. She's a committed brunette, and hangs out in a salon environment where that committment is free and available all the time. This is a conversion. A true change of heart.
Alert, furnace off -12 degrees outside --better hop to. Bye bye muse.
Interrupted a second time for a Furnace Information Seminar, which was sorely needed, but strongly resisted as I was mid labor. I lost practically a whole entry. The heat is off. The dishwasher is in pieces on the kitchen floor.
Mercury's probably in retrograde, to throw a term around.
I sit with someone who went from being a brunette, to platinum, to white with salt and pepper. She is an authentic soul. She makes beauty wherever she goes. She started out Vogue, then victorian, went to simple, primative simple, always ahead of the crowd ............(another interruption eeks! I didn"t get up this early for this . grrrr...rr brrrr...rrr)....... To resume, now she's headed for French simple. Wherever she is, is always beautiful and people like to hang there. It's her energy. I sit with a number of folk with that ability. Everyone always wants to marry them.
I spent four hours yesterday with my knees bent going more platinum, I like it here, and will linger awhile. Isn't it wonderful that we have technology on our side, as we stride along. hair bleach, the internet, Theta wave producing tapes, ---We must be careful not to damage the body, that sacred machine with technology -- like the hormone thing -- which has kept women out of their cronehood wisdom. The pharmaceutical industry could be cast as evil right about here, but all we have to do is ignore them. Let's not get caught up in their mercenary fear vibration. Now that estrogen is such a bust, they're trying to sell the fellas on testosterone supplements. Like the sticker says, "If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one.
I spent the next three hours with my knees bent, watching "Cold Mountain".
The Civil War was a terrible event. When are we going to stop fighting for freedom, and start living for freedom --- trauma trauma trauma "Cold Mountain" shows the Civil War in all its gore and soul murder. An adrenalin experience that kept my little amygdala on the edge of its little chair. To what end? Inuring me to the horror?
Had I known that "Cold Mountain" was based loosely on the Odyssey, I would have read the pony beforehand, and enjoyed the movie more. I could still read the pony, and review for myself the book group questions. But who am I kidding. I was upset that I missed this point in all the fine reviews I read of the book - I did know enough to grab "Cold Mountain" off the audio shelf as soon as it came to the library near me. It is beautifully written. I guess I wasn't reading to the end of the reviews, and missed the Odyssey part, daah. All that walking should have tipped me off.
In the movie, Nicole Kidman, purity, started out knowing all things of the mind, some of the spirit and none of the earth. She learned about earth, but not without pain, taught by Renee Z. who had a mattress spring in her stride. Renee wasn't doing pretty in this film, she was doing energy. I admire her for that. Nicole, let me say, had put her nose in storage and was lovely throughout. The worst beauty compromise she had to make was that her golden ringlets came unloosed.
Had I to do it over again, I would just read the book, and save myself exposure to horror.
Posted by Dakota at January 25, 2004 04:36 AM