Due to the proliferation of comment spam, I’ve had to close comments on this entry. If you would like to leave comment, please use one of my recent entries. Thank you and sorry for any inconvience caused.
I am finding that having a computer with access to the internet in my little hot hand is alot like having a digital camera. The odious tasks of learning about F-stops and aperture openings, which always prevented me from taking photographs, are whisked away magically by technology. Now, with the the flick of a mouse, I have access to important material without having to schlep down to the nearest university library and xerox for five hours. (Those of us with damaged attention spans, do not truly have that option.)
You can tell that I am only about twenty years behind, here. It's just as well, since others have spent those twenty years entering data, and now I can just push those buttons, like I do on my dishwasher, and have it.
Jean Houston addresses the miracles of the internet in her book "Jump Time"
My day job is getting in the way of my blog. NOOOOOO. .. my day job provides me with material for my blog.
Posted by Dakota at January 21, 2004 09:52 AM