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December 14, 2003

Just because it happened to you, doesn't make it interesting

"Just because it happened to you doesn't make it interesting." A columnist quoted that in yesterday's paper as his favorite, new saying. Sorry I didn't pay close enough attention to cite either author, but the thought was too pertinent not to pass along, especially here at Internet City.

As you can tell, I'm a real newcomer to this frontier. In the Ageless Project, there are very few contributers born before 1962. Howard Dean is the first politician to recognize this world and try to mobilize it's energy. I hope it works.

Blog Mentor commented that He will worry when I want to use my real name on this blog. I think this implies that whatever is on this blog is not my material. That it is, like my deep Tibetan chant voice, just coming through.

The thought chunks are arriving. It is my intention to put them into palatable form for those who always wanted to think but couldn't.

Let us hear from Mimi Meme. Awoke perky at 1:52 AM, lay awake until 3:52 and gave up. Came downstairs to write. Couldn't find my good fleece and it was cold. Made a pot of coffee with my new coffee grinder and my favorite beans. It tasted completely terrible, salty, undrinkable. Later I think of the symptions of hepatitis that my friend outlined in great detail last week. Food tasting bad, was one. Oh, loss of appetite was the other. Phew. At least I don't have hepatitis.

It's especially cold on the sunporch which is my office. Searching for tea, I come across two boxes of chai, one orange, and one black. I chose the orange, since the black one smells too medicinal.

Finish my tea, still cold, make another attempt to find fleece which fails, decide to have a second cup of chai. This time I want to try the black. I read the back of the black box. Go to the entry, "Goodness, Ganesha Again", to share Mimi Meme's spiritual experience. It's the denoument.

Posted by Dakota at December 14, 2003 06:03 AM